Szivárvány Non-Profit Autism Organization
The Szivárvány Non-Profit Autism Organization was established in 2003 in Szeged, Hungary, with the purpose of representing the interests of autistic people, offering various services to them, as well as constructively cooperating with the systems allowing for them to improve the quality of their lives. In the recent years, the services provided by our organization have been used by people with other kinds of disabilities, too.
Our main objective is to reduce the discrimination of people with disabilities, and to help them to participate in society equally to other people.
Registered office: 6771 Szeged, Szerb u. 192.
Business premises: 6771 Szeged, Szerb u. 171.
Our activities include:
Employing people with reduced capacity to work with the purpose of their rehabilitation
Operating an information office
Offering day camps for autistic children during the summer
We undertake a wide range of activities to promote an inclusive society
Operating a specialized library
Organizing courses and training sessions for parents and professionals
Providing legal advice
Offering public employment
Organizing family days and informative events
We receive students performing public service work
We currently have 22 employees, 13 of which have reduced capacity to work (autistic, living with intellectual disabilities, multiple sclerosis; hearing or seeing impaired). We received the “protected workplace” title in 2018.
Our memberships: The National Autistic Society [Autisták Országos Szövetsége], The Association of Hungarian Social Farms [Magyar Szociális Farm Szövetség], The Network of Autistic Farmsteads [Autista Majorságok Hálózata], The Forum of Labour Organizations for People with Disabilities and Illnesses, (Szeged) [Fogyatékkal Élők és Betegek Érdekvédelmi Szervezeteinek Fóruma (Szeged)]
Pictures of the center’s life